To book

Prefer the comfort, charm and softness of the Hotel La Place d'Antibes! Here, everything has been thought of and designed to make you feel at home. For business or tourism, this charming address at the entrance to the old town of Antibes has everything to please you. Organize your most beautiful stopovers in the Alpes-Maritimes with our 3-star hotel!

Thought for professionals
The evening stopover

Night, meals and breakfast
Discover our evening stopover in Antibes

At the Hotel La Place, in the heart of the city center, just a 10-minute walk from the train station and the port, we offer an evening-stopover package to our professional travelers. This formula is available all year round, except the months of June, July, August and September

The evening stopover package includes breakfast, night stayin one of our rooms and evening meal. You will have the possibility to have your meal on site. This offers a starter, a main course and a dessert, drinks are not included.

Theevening stopover in Antibes is from €125. To find out more, you can contact our team by telephone, email or via the contact form.